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Stein Meum

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Alt skrevet av Stein Meum

  1. Ruben, har du vært i kontakt med Helge Holmedal? Han er pensjonert kaptein i SAS, bor på Bekkestua, og det er han som fikk arrangert dette bildet. Han fløy mye i SAS Flyklubb. Var vel også medeier i et par Cub'er.
  2. En liten kommentar: åpningen i vingespissens bakkant er ikke til fortøyning, men til å holde i og håndtere flyet på bakken. Hand-hold, ikke tie-down, m.a.o. Stein Cornellflyger og eier.
  3. Flott det. Beer Palace onsdag egentlig mer 20 enn 1930. Nå gjelder det bare å finne ut hvor BP er Det er inne på "baksiden", i gata som går fra torget mot sentrum. Vis-à-vis Peppes Pizza. Stein
  4. Ja, men da ser det ut til å dra seg mot en seanse onsdag kveld. 19:30 skulle kunne passe meg bra. Jeg skal muligens ha Alfa'en på EU-kontroll og service i Drawback tidligere på dagen. Da bestemmer jeg at det blir på BP. Der har de mye godt øl. Bl.a. Grimbergen Blond, et overgjæret øl som også ale er. Og de har god engelsk bitter på krana. Stein
  5. Var på Mikrobryggeriet på fredag. Et stamsted for oss, og musikken kan man be betjeningen om å dempe. Aldri hatt problemer med å prate med noen der. Ellers er BP et helt O.K. sted. Jetblue og jeg pleier å møtes der før vi spiser sushi på enkelte tirsdager. Kyrre, skal vi ta en pubtur på onsdag. Kan ikke i kveld og er opptatt imorgen. Stein
  6. Det betyr vel at du er ferdig med selve flyet, men kvier deg til å ta fatt på alle de små vortex generatorene i fotoets? Stein
  7. Tar meg en tur gjennom Oslofjordtunnellen på lørdag.Søndag vet jeg ikke enda. Stein
  8. Until actual photos show up,let's agree on that,Nils!
  9. I'm not mentioning the PRU blue underside scheme at all.It was a short-lived scheme,anyway.What I'm trying to say is that they were not in the standard NATO colours in their final scheme.The upper surface colours were almost impossible to distinguish from another at a distance,with the bluish shade of the grey dominating.This led to the profile of a "PRU Blue RF-84 in the old "Sentinel of the Fjords" article in Flying Review in the early 70's.The Norwegian planes were also mentioned as being PRU Blue in the Aircam volume on the F/RF.In this booklet one can see several photos of other NATO F/RF's but the upper surface colours are easily distiguishable from another,but the Norwegian one seems to have a solid colour.This led Richard and me to be convinced that Norwegian RF's were not painted in standard NATO colours. Stein
  10. The Norwegian RF's were originally bare metal with T3- codes.These codes were carried over when the planes were camouflaged.Codes were later changed to the more familiar AZ later on. When Richard L. Ward was going to make a Norwegian "PRU Blue" RF in the late 70's for his Modeldecal range,I provided him with much info. The planes were painted by Aviolanda in Holland,as were the Dutch,Belgian and possibly all or some of Luftwaffe's F/RF-84's. It would therefore be natural to assume the Norwegian birds were painted with these colours,as well.At least this is what Richard and I thought until I managed to scrape off paint chips off AZ-S located at Banak A.F.B. The paint was still fairly glossy and "fresh" in places and the green colour was matched almost perfectly by Humbrol US Olive Drab from their Authentics series.The Grey,or Bluegrey rather,was almost a perfect match by Neutral Gray.The actual colour chip was a shade more blue in tone.At a distance it was difficult,almost impossible,to discern between the two colours,the blue tone dominating and therefore the most likely reason for the belief that the Norwegian RF's were painted PRU Blue with bare metal,later light grey (?) undersurfaces.Exactly what specifications were for these colours is not possible to determine today,as the T.O. for the RF is missing. A 717 Sqn mechanic I spoke to in 1978 said that during engine starts,there was a possibility of jet fuel leaking onto the tarmac and igniting,scorching the underside paint.Stocks of these paints were not held by the Materiel Command at Kjeller,but flown into Rygge A.F.B. by USAF transports from U.K. Most likely the top colours were American products,as well. Photos of German,Dutch and Belgian F/RF-84's,Sabres,Starfighters with the NATO RAL-colours all show a more distinct contrast between the upper surface colours than on the Norwegian ones. Stein
  11. Heh,heh Craig! That's more like it. I'm a stickler for detail as most of us here on the forum. Nils M. is most likely to be the one to answer your queries.As for the 718 Sqn machines I believe only one a/c received the squadrons yellow and red checkerboard marking on the fin: F-5A DP-C,introduced on the T-33. Stein
  12. I hate posts without punctuation marks,commas and capital letters.Result is a post consisting of one long sentence. I occasionally meet with Fossum,incidentally! Stein
  13. Skulle gjerne vært der,men det er møte i vinklubben ikveld. Det går ikke an å legge inn svar på den andre tråden om Haugenstua,så jeg gjør det her isteden.
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