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Olve Dybvig

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Alt skrevet av Olve Dybvig

  1. Bildene av LN-LAB kommer fra Bodø via Kjetil Korsnes Fant noen flere sjøtanter på nettet, alle fra Sandviken i Bergen
  2. Og til slutt en med skikkelige farger og merker
  3. Da kan det jo være greit med noen bilder av noen norske tanter Olve
  4. Hva ??? Er det en skrætsjet britisk panzer i bakgrunnen der.................Du er syk du Olve
  5. Og bare sånn for å være pirkete: HM 1940, Nr.864 OKH (Ch.H.Rüst.u.BdE) 31.7.1940 To save paint following is ordered: Equipment which had to be painted darkgrey/darkbrown has to be painted just darkgrey from now on. HM 1941, Nr.281 OKH (Ch.H.Rüst.u.BdE) 17.3.1941 Instead of the darkgrey/darkbrown or one color darkgrey paint equipment (including all Kfz.) of the units deployed in Afrika have to be painted yellow-brown - RAL 8000/greygreen - RAL 7008 both colors dull. The paint has to be deployed as the old one. Darkgrey is replaced by yellow-brown and dark-brown by grey-green. The borders between the two colors must not be hard edged but flow into each other. Small surfaces (also spoke-wheels and wheels) can be painted in one color. Yellow-brown is the primary color and the relation should be 2/3 yellow-brown and 1/3 grey-green. HM 1942 Nr.315 OKH (Ch.H.Rüst.u.BdE) 25.3.1942 1. Instead of the darkgrey paint (HM 1940,Nr.864) the equipment (including all Kfz) of the units in Afrika have to be painted in brown RAL 8020 and grey RAL 7027, both dull. Brown RAL 8020 is the primary color. Relation has to be about 2/3 brown and 1/3 grey. Grey has to be painted in irregular spots with soft egdes to the brown paint. Small surfaces and wheels may be painted just with either RAL 8020 or 7027. The colors 8000 and 7008 have to be used up before using the new colors. 2. Washable color according to HM 1941, Nr.1128 has to be used for paintind awnings. HM 1941, Nr.1128 OKH (Ch.H.Rüst.u.BdE) 18.11.1941 The troops in Norway, at the finish front and in russia can paint their vehicles white when appropriate. Guidelines for the paint will be sent to the commanders. Washable paint according to the changed technical delivering-regulation 6.345. The paint has to be ordered by the unit along the normal supply-lines. The paint has to be deployed over the grey color and removed when no snow. HM 1943, Nr.181 (322 included) OKH (Ch.H.Rüst.u.BdE) 18.2.1943 1. Equipment: Instead of the old darkgrey-darkbrown paint equipment has to be painted overall grey and for units in Afrika and Kreta instead of brown-grey the new dark-yellow. For small equipment in vehicles (z.B. radio-equipment, storage-boxes, tool-boxes, boxes and cases for veterinary equipment, file-boards) the old paint can be kept. Colors to be used: P-Farbe TL 6321 for Panzerkampfwagen W-Farbe TL 6320 for radio- and signal-equipment TL 6337 for equipment made of Magnesium-alloy (for example Elektron-wheels on guns) all others Kunstharzfarbe TL 6317 B Differing regulations cease to apply . 2. Camouflage: Applying camouflage paint according to the local circumstances is in the units responsibility. For that the units have to get Tarnpasten (3) in following colors: Olive-green according to "Farbtonkasten" of RLM for camouflage (Building- and ground-camouflage), redbrown RAL 8017, dark-yellow according to sample as Nr.1. 3. The Tarnpasten in number 2 will be delivered to the units along the usual supply routes. To determine how much paint is needed following regulations should be used (in kilogramms): Olive-green/red-brown/dark-yellow Panzerkampfwagen 2/2/2 Pkw 0,5/0,5/0,5 LKW < 2t 1/1/1 LKW > 2t 1,5/1,5/1,5 The Tarnpasten will be delivered in 2kg and 20kg portions. The units have to use the paint as carefully as the current raw-material, production- and transport-situation needs it. 4. The units have to decide which way the Tarnpasten are applied. It has to be applied to cut the silouette of the equipment/vehicle. Usually a paint with large spots formed like clouds worked well. The Tarnpasten have to be used as delivered or after mixed with water or fuel. They can be applied with brushes, rags etc. and are dry after a short time. They can also be used for awnings. The Tarnpasten can be removed with fuel. 5. The winter-camouflage (in snow-covered terrain) consists of white paint with Emulsionsfarbe TL 6345. All equipment delivered to the troops until February 1943 has to be painted white before delivered. 6. Temporary-provisions: a) New produced equipment, which received the old paint already, has to be repainted before delivered b) Equipment in stock has to be delivered in new paint accorind to number 1 and repainted in white until February 1943. c) The gray paint at the troops (darkgrey, or brown-grey) has not to be repainted. Necessary camouflage with Tarnpasten (2 to 4) d) Replacement and occupation-troops have to repaint their equipment according to 1. Awnings have to be painted with Tarnpasten.
  6. Doffenjekker var ikke malt i vognens camofarge.............Neida Tøft bilde Olve
  7. Har aldri helt skjønt cluet med å sitte i hockey på et relativt ubehagelig sete med en svak trekk i rævskåret og lese. Trodde at når der rykket i visse muskler, gikk man inn for å bli ferdig med driten (bokstavelig talt), ryddet opp etter seg og dermed forlate åstedet. Olve
  8. "Skjelve" Jeg ser at du har både 935 og 934 fra Tamiya i stor størrelse Pittelitt misunnelig Olve
  9. Sorry, det der er ikke en porsche Denne derimot er: Olvis
  10. He he jeg ser at Porsche forslaget mitt falt i god jord Her er et bilde av den siste jeg hadde, den gangen egoet var større enn lommeboken Olve PS pent syn:
  11. En VolkGrenadier var en type avdeling som dukket opp i 1944 etter de store tapene i den regulære armeen. En VG Div hadde kun tiltenkt defensive operasjoner (ikke offensive), hadde 6 battalioner med infanteri mot den normale 9 stk. Mannskapene var rasket inn av det reservehæren kunne finne; marinegaster, kokker, gamle, unge osv. Normalt dårlig trent og heller laber moral. Normalt utrustet med lette våpen, men ofte med StG 44 og andre senere kule våpen Må ikke forveksles med Volksturm, som var sivilister med Volksturm armbånd og Panzerfaust Olve Sakset fra internett: 708. Volksgrenadier-Division was formed in Slovakia Sep 1944 from the partially formed 573. Volksgrenadier-Division. It was sent to the Western front Nov 1944 and was destroyed at Colmar Feb 1945. Commanders Commanders Generalmajor Wilhelm Bleckwenn (? Sep 1944 - 17 Feb 1945) Area of operations Czechoslovakia (Sep 1944 - Nov 1944) France (Nov 1944 - Feb 1945) Order of battle 728. Grenadier Regiment 748. Grenadier Regiment 760. Grenadier Regiment 658. Artillery Regiment 1. Battalion 2. Battalion 3. Battalion 4. Battalion 708. (Bicycle) Fusilier Company 708. Panzerjäger Battalion 708. Feldersatz Battalion 708. Signals Battalion 708. (Bicycle) Pioneer Battalion Supply Troops
  12. hahhhhhh Morten........... det der var et lurespørsmål Vedder på at det finnes en obskur britisk panzergreie som har Hetzer lurt inn i navnet sitt Olve
  13. Hva er adressen til MIG forumet da? Kan dessverre ikke være med på gruppebygging før 110en min er fedig, ellers blir det dyrt for meg Olve
  14. Gi en pling på 920 33 502 når du er der, så kommer jeg en tur innom Jobber rett rundt hjørnet Olve
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