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Knut Erik Hagen

IPMS Medlem
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Alt skrevet av Knut Erik Hagen

  1. Hei, I did take the pictures with modeling in mind - looking at this image it appears that the pattern on top of the launcher does not match the universal pattern in my copy of Armed Forces Camo for vehicles dated 1984. Due to the web site only accepting small files do I have to reduce the original images before posting. I have been off-line today as I went to visit Narviks War Memorial Museum to get some photos of their collection, samples will follow. Eders Knut Erik
  2. Hei, I shot a series of pictures of a Norwegian Army MLRS that was demonstrated to the public a couple of years ago. It is a bit too much to send by Email, but I could make you a CD or similar- please send me a PM with ordinary adress. Since I am going to visit the Aviodrome next Wednesday could I try to have the CD ready for mailing when I am in the Netherlands. Photo quality is not that great as it was moving a bit faster than I expected on a rainy day, but should be helpful for model building Eders Knut Erik
  3. Bom dia, I am not a Bergenser, but the ship I work on has Bergen as its base during the summer season so I have spent quite a few days there. There is one major hobbyshop in Bergen which is part of the "Hobbyland chain" in Nygaten 3, a reasonable selection of kits, glue and other accessories. Some of the department stores do also stock kits along with toys, one in "Bystasjonen" used to have a couple of unusual kits for sale. You find a number of second-hand bookshops in Bergen, I have picked up some bargains there related to aviation and military history. There used to be an IPMS branch meeting in Bergen Tekniske Museum (Science Museum at Møhlenpris close to the University), but that area was closed due to water entering that part of the building last time I visited the museum - it is worth going there on a quiet Sunday if interested in old vehicles and the entrance fee is very reasonable. If interested in aircraft should you try to find the way out to the Herdla Museum which covers the activites of Luftwaffes JG5 from the airfield. Other museums I would recommend are the Maritime Museum (with bits of a Zero on show) and the new Fortress museum at Bergenhus. Eders Knut Erik
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