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Jouni Koski

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Innlegg skrevet av Jouni Koski



    What a wonderfull thread this is  ;D here is the latest info from Nordic Challenge, only 2 weeks left:


    Nordic Challenge schedule


    Saturday 20.11.2010


    - 09:00-14:00 model registration open

    - 11:00 Nordic Challenge 2010 open for public

    - 11:00-13:00 T-34 related action at Parola tank museum

    - 12:00-14:00 FMHC scale horse modellers workshop

    - 14:00-15:00 workshop: Adam Wilder, USA

    - 15:00-16:00 workshop: Per Olav Lund, NOR

    - 16:00 Event closed for Saturday


    - 19:00-24:00 Scale modelers Christmas party, "all inclusive" you can buy an invitation

    to the party in advance. Invitation price is 25€. All drinks, food and live music

    are included to the event fee. The party is for adults only. Please book you invitation

    in advance by email: contact@nordic-challenge.net


    Here is a kind request for everyone who is planning to participate the Nordic challenge

    christmas party. Please let us know if you are coming. We can use that information to

    determine how much food we need to reserve for the event.

    Drinks are easy- there is plenty availabe :)

    But food is coming from a catering service and we should give them some sort of an



    Sunday 21.11.2010


    - 11:00 Nordic Challenge 2010 open for public

    - 11:00-12:00 workshop: Pekka Nieminen

    - 12:00-13:20 workshop: Per Olav Lund, NOR

    - 13:30-14:50 workshop: Adam Wilder, USA

    - 15:00-15:30 Reward ceremony

    - 16:00 Nordic Challenge 2010 closed




    Xmas party drinks secured and waiting :)


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