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Stuart (Reggie) Martindale

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Innlegg skrevet av Stuart (Reggie) Martindale

  1. Good Evening from Lancashire, England.


    I've been away from modelling for over thirty years and have finally decided to return to the hobby I used to love.


    To break me in gently I've selected Revells 1/32 scale Piper Super Cub but thought the decals supplied were a little boring and went on the hunt.


    I found a beautiful set from www.lndecals.com for LN-RTC and reckon this scheme to be perfect for my model.


    So my question is, do any of the group have any quality images, of both the interior and exterior of this aircraft, that they'd allow me to use for reference?


    Also has anyone built this particular kit and, if so, what were the highs and lows of the construction?


    Anyway kind regards


    Stuart (Reggie) Martindale

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