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Thank you from David Griffith

Edward H. Valholm

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Mottok en hyggelig tilbakemelding fra David som jeg har lyst å dele med dere..



Den 13.03.2013 15:41, skrev David Griffith:

Dear Edward,


I'm just emailing to say "Thank You," for the hospitality that you and your colleagues showed last weekend, not only to me, but also to Marcus and Douglas.  I felt most honoured to be invited.  I hope everyone got back home safely.


If you are ever in the UK for our exibition at Telford, be sure to look me up on my stand, "My Little Navy."  I expect you would find the weather in November in the UK to be quite warm!


Kind regards,


David Griffith




ps. Han nevnte også i hallen dagen etterpå at det var årevis siden han har blitt så "sliten" (pisst) utover kvelden.. Det beviser vel bare noe vi allerede vet, og det er at vi er en knakanes god gjeng å være sammen med ut i de sene nattetimer.



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