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Charles King

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Om Charles King

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  1. Thanks Jens. Yeah, I noticed it but did not have time to rectify it. Thanks.
  2. I call this little vignette 'Kompis pris' Directly translated - 'Friends Price' or 'mate's rate'. If you are a Swede, then you will understand the joke behind it. :)The engine is an old Volvo engine I bought from a private sale. The kit had been partly built so I decided to make use of just the engine and scrape the rest. Engine the pics.
  3. Hi guys. Nothing really new but was a bit bored and decided to put this old run down MK48 LVS into a Dio setting. As most of you military folks know, scenerio like these were common during the Iraq war and even today, if I'm not mistaken. Just wanted to do something to get my hands dirty. So here it is Dug in deep...
  4. I was thinking about the fact the US made the Mobile 163 vulcan adapted from the Israeli's version mounted on the M113 variant. So why not make a version of the Turkish mobile Atilgan. The US has a similar version on their Hummer known as the Avenger. So, this is my version of the turkish Variant Atilgan humbly baptized as the Mobile Atilgan, Self-Propelled Surface-to-Air Missile system. The concept is not at all far fetched. Enjoy: _____________________________________________
  5. Hi. I'm looking for reference pictures of the following vehicle 3-axle volvo F-12 tractor. Revell has this model version, which I've bought and would like to see some good walk-around pics of this vehicle please. Any links to detail pics would be very helpful. Thanks.
  6. I wanted to know how many of you guys & gals were interested in contributing high quality pics of your model for a Calender Showcase? I am not going to make any profit off of this. I will setup the format, add the pics and authors of the models themselves and choose the optional holidays to be added, then put it up for you all to purchase one. The only cost will be the cost to print and the postage & Handling charge to a place of your destination. That's simple. I've included an example using ome member's models to show you how it will look. Check out the examples below: If you interested then make a post and pm me your high quality pics with full name. Please remember to take a clear pic of your model showing a full view of it. Remember, if you send out a not so clear pic, you will get exactly the same when you print it. So keep that in mind. Calender specs: 13.5" x 19" gloss white paper $23.83 (this is the price for one calender which includes 12 months. Includes months from january to December) 11" x 17" $12.72 (this is the price for one calender which includes 12 months. Includes months from january to December) This is a smaller size calender without the gloss white paper. This is of course cheaper. Pictures resolution should be above 200dpi otherwise the pics would be pixalated when blown up. Take a look at this example of the Calender: http://hem.passagen.se/tiking/calender.htm
  7. I will make the change right away if it's possible. My apologies
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